Block by Block Ambassador Programming Comes to Downtown West Palm Beach

West Palm Beach’s new Ambassadors are ready to keep downtown clean!
WEST PALM BEACH, FL (July 3, 2024) – Block by Block launched a three-phase hospitality, safety, cleaning and pressure washing Ambassador Program in Downtown West Palm Beach, Florida.
The five-year contract began with its first phase on July 1st with cleaning and trash collection services. The second phase will begin on August 1st to add pressure washing and the final phase will launch October 1st with safety and hospitality services. In all, the program will employe nearly 40 Ambassadors in the district.
Some of the services, including safety and trash collection, were previously provided by city workers and a separate company. Block by Block, however, can provide all services needed in West Palm under one roof, saving money and resources and guaranteeing the highest quality results. This new partnership also frees up city workers’ time so they may focus on other areas of the city needing attention.
“We’re approaching or over 10,000 residents in downtown. Additional resources are necessary. City has staff that does work in downtown and has always done work in downtown. But they also have over 50 square miles of the entire city of West Palm Beach to deal with as a special district,” Downtown Development Authority Director Raphael Clemente said of West Palm.
Block by Block has a robust history working in downtowns since their first program launched in Louisville, KY in 1995. More than strictly a clean and safe service provider, Block by Block has developed an optimized operating model built on best practices, research, development and modern technology that has attracted partners in more than 150 locations nationwide, including improvement districts, parks, college campuses, transit systems and other public spaces.
For more information about Block by Block, visit

West Palm Beach Ambassadors are rolling out their Mega Brutes to keep downtown clean!
About West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority
The West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was created in 1967 as an independent special taxing district to promote and enhance a safe, vibrant Downtown for residents, businesses and visitors through the strategic development of economic, social and cultural opportunities. We improve and maintain Downtown West Palm Beach by offering information and services to visitors, residents and business owners.